About Us
When your office computer systems are down, you don’t care about technical jargon and complex systems analysis. You just want everything to work. While it’s nice that TEK’s team has expertise in network administration, system security, and advanced desktop and application support, what that really means is that we have a unique capacity to understand technical problems and fix them quickly.
We can help you create a more efficient work environment that is tailored your work style, by automating time-consuming tasks and simplifying processes. We can come to your office or work remotely, whichever you prefer. When we’re done, we’ll tell you what we did in plain English, not techno-speak.
TEK Electronics truly makes technology work for you.
The Management
With over 200 clients throughout the Philadelphia, Delaware, and South Jersey region, TEK has been the Gold Standard for IT solutions since 1992. We provide diagnostics, service, support, and up-to-the-minute technology and security advice for
Tom Voytek
Owner and General Manager

“Technology is binary: it either works or it does not – there is no in between. In 1992, I started my company, TEK Electronics, with one goal: establish a standard of excellence to provide exceptional technology solutions to non-technical people. I know that owning a company, supervising a business or managing a High Rise building can be overwhelming when it comes to technology; knowing what you need to meet goals, but lacking the expertise of how to get there, can be a huge challenge. With over 200+ satisfied long-term clients, TEK Electronics closes that gap with software, hardware, networking, security and surveillance solutions — to get the job done effectively, efficiently, and within budget. Working collaboratively with our clients on the best solution to fit their needs, we never compromise on quality, never miss deadlines, and are always available for on-site service and support. This is how TEK Electronics treats every client and assignment: so you can do what you do best, and run your business with best-of-class technology as a tool to get the job done.”
Brenden Stark
Sales Manager

Brenden draws on a background in IT to help guide our customers to the custom solution that fits their needs and budget. He has helped many businesses in a diverse range of fields as a consultant and his knowledge of workflow and integration are a key factor in our clients’ success. He leads our sales team in making sure any transition is as smooth and painless as possible.
Jared Wilkie
Network and Systems Service Manager